Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The other day, we went to caves.
To ride and play in the water, and just to get out the house so I could smoke rollies.
Two photo's.

Monday, March 7, 2011


For those who went will know.

All the other's just come next year.

That pyramid was something else.

A few shots of our time there, with the Canon Ftb

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Andrew drinking his Bintang from Bali.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Here is a photo of Jono, just before we surfed pringle reef, not too amped.


100th Post

I miss traveling alot.
That independence, going places you've never seen, every moment is special, moments that I will never forget.
Most importantly the people I met on the way.

Here are some of my favourite photos of the 7 months away.


The South of France

Majorca Island

London  (Cant find the rest now)


And I shall keep Amsterdam for later.