Sunday, August 22, 2010


I didnt really know anything about this island before i came here, just sitting in Barcelona running out of money and just tired of that city, i just booked a ticket and off i was to this island.
Been in Majorca for about a month now, getting some daywork on the yachts and surfing the north side of the island. Has some really really good reefs, all really break like Kakkerlak, just shallow and hollow but mostly small, when some solid wind comes off the Alps from France then this place goes off the chain.

Surfed about 5 times in two weeks which is really consistant for the Island. Leaving to Barcelona again on Thursday for a job on a yacht till mid October, so will have loads of cash to Surf france during the weekends and west Spain.
Leave you with some photos of Majorca, and some pictures i got from locals of the waves in season.


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